
What Types of Campaign Analytics Do You Support and How Can I Access Them?

There are two kinds of analytics for a campaign:

1. Studio Analytics:

This is the internal analytics page of a campaign. If you click "Management" on the top menu, you will see the following menu items.

The analytics page includes the following data:

1.1. Dashboard: Displays general analytics data of the campaign.

1.2. Traffic:

  • Pageviews/Transactions: This page shows the number of pageviews and transactions that occurred during the selected period.

  • Game Playing: This page displays the number of gameplays that took place during the selected period.

  • Call To Action: This page reveals the number of CTAs that occurred during the selected period.

  • Share: This page indicates the number of times the content was shared during the selected period.

1.3. Users:

  • Sign Up: This page displays the number of users who registered for this campaign.

  • User Detail: This page shows detailed user information for this campaign. You can download data for users who played the game during this campaign.

1.4. Device:

  • Platform: This page displays the types of user platforms.

  • Browser Type: This page reveals the types of users' web browsers.

2. Third-Party Analytics:

You can enable third-party analytics for your campaign and then view the analytics data on the respective third-party analytics pages.

To enable third-party analytics, follow these steps:

2.1. Go to the Game Settings page of your campaign, and select "Integration Settings" from the left menu.

2.2. On the "Integration Settings" page, toggle the control corresponding to the desired third-party analytics provider to ON.

2.3. Enter the required "Tracking ID," "Token," or "App ID" obtained from the third-party analytics tool.


The analytics data you receive may vary depending on the third-party analytics provider.

For example, at the time of creating this guide:

  • Google Analytics can track:

    • Landing page, Leaderboard, CTA

    • Unique users, Active users

    • Location, Browser, and Features provided by Google Analytics

  • Mixpanel Analytics can track:

    • Landing page, Leaderboard, CTA

    • Clients can use Mixpanel to create and track events such as click events in their campaign

  • Facebook Analytics for Apps can track:

    • Unique users, Active users

2.4. If the campaign has been published, after updating, please select the "Save Changes" button on the top right to apply your changes to the campaign.

Last updated