Other Features
Download All Images of the Game
If you do not want to download and customize images one by one, you can select the 'Download' button at the bottom of the game editor to download all images of the game as a single ZIP file.

Upload All Images of the Game
You can select the 'Upload' button at the bottom of the game editor to upload all customized images for the game (as a single ZIP file) at once.
The modified image must have the same "file name" and "image dimensions (Width x Height)" as the original image.
You can also choose to modify some images, add them to a ZIP file, and upload it.
For example,
Game A uses a total of 40 images.
The user downloads all images and modifies 5 of them.
When the user uploads a zip file, it's not necessary to include all 40 images in the zip file, it can contain just the 5 modified images.

Resetting Images
After modifying the game images, you can reset them using the following method:
Select the image.
Select the 'Restore' button.

Reset All Images
After modifying the game, you can select the "Restore Defaults" button in the top right corner of the game editor to reset all images.

Last updated