Mobile App

Mini-game Execution in Mobile Apps and Leaderboard Settings Guide

To run a mini-game in a mobile app, the app must support Webview to load HTML5 games. Additionally, the leaderboard and user information settings can be configured with the following options:

  1. Leaderboard

    • The brand mini-game uses the provided leaderboard. Depending on the login method selected in the page settings, the information displayed on the leaderboard will vary. For example, if the login method requires a phone number before starting the game, the last four digits of the participant's phone number will be shown on the leaderboard.

  2. UserID and Leaderboard

    • The brand mini-game uses the provided leaderboard. The brand’s app and system send the user ID (e.g., customer ID) to the mini-game system, and after the game, the user ID is displayed on the leaderboard.

  3. UserID and Webhook

    • No leaderboard is provided after the game. The brand’s app and system send the user ID (e.g., customer ID) to the mini-game system, and the game results, along with the user ID, are sent back to the brand's app and system via a webhook. To use this service, the brand’s app and system must support the Webhook feature.

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